Acid -Alkaline imbalance=pH imbalance
ph(Potential of hydration) is a measure of the acidity or alkaline solution
It’s measured on a scale of 0 to 14.
The lower the pH the more acidic the solution,the higher the pH the more alkaline the solution. When a solution is neither acid nor alkaline ,it has pH of 7 which os neutral.
Most people who suffer from unbalanced pH are acidic. This condition forces the body to borrow minerals-including calcium,sodium,potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer (neutralize) the acid and safely remove it from the body. Because of this strain,the body can suffer sever and prolonged damage due to high acidity. Bone loss is very common due to your body releasing minerals from your bones in order to optimize your body’s pH.
Acidosis can cause:
Low energy and chronic fatigue
Anxiety,nervousness irritability
Joint pain,muscle ache and lactic acid build up
Immune deficiency
Yeast/fungal overgrowth
Weight gain/Obesity
Diabetes/Heart disease
Premature aging
Hormone concern/ Ovarian cysts/ Breast cysts
Nasal congestion
Slow digestion and elimination
Almost all foods that we eat,after being digested,absorbed ,and metabolized,release either an acid or an alkaline base into blood.Grains,fish,meat,cheese,milk ,white flour,coffee,sugar,alcohol and salt all produce acid.Typical western diet became more acid-producing…
Our body is slightly alkaline with a normal pH level of between 7.35 to 7.45.The theory behind the alkaline diet is that our diet should reflect this pH level and be slightly alkaline.Acid-producing food promotes loss of essential minerals such as potassium,magnesium,calcium,and sodium,as the body tries to restore equilibrium.
How can you neutralize your body?
Squeeze fresh lemon into water throughout the day.Lemon is acidic until enters the body where it becomes very alkalizing.
To maintain health,the diet should consist of 70-80% alkaline forming foods.Alkaline forming foods include:most green vegetables,fruits,spices,herbs,beans nuts and seasoning.
pH balance supplement
Vitamin D3
Omega 3
Sea Calcium
Alkalizing spices & seasonings
Chili pepper
Sea salt
All herbs
Alkalizing protein
Whey protein powder